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Title Summary Published
At the Crossroads: Providing Long-Term Services and Supports at a Time of High Demand and Fiscal Constraint A survey of state aging, disability and Medicaid agencies was conducted in 2012, in order to better understand challenges and concerns for funding and providing quality LTSS. Five common themes were identified in this report, including staff turnover and reductions during a sluggish recovery of state budgets. Other findings include an overall expansion of home and community-based services, LTSS transformation and reduced funding and high demand for non-Medicaid aging and disability services.
A Primer for State Aging Directors and Executive Staff State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program This document is designed to enable new State Unit on Aging (SUA) Directors to quickly understand the unique role of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program (SLTCOP). The Older Americans Act (OAA) establishes this program with responsibilities that make
it different from other aging programs. Within the network of services provided under the OAA, the LTCOP has some mandates that set it apart from other services.
Aging and Disability Information and Referral/Assistance Networks: Challenges and Opportunities Review a new survey of organizations that provide services within the I&R/A Network. The following themes emerged from the survey: aging and disability networks continue to integrate; the use of technology in I&R/A service delivery is slow to develop; the role of I&R/A organizations is expanding; and there are opportunities for improved coordination and quality service delivery. Review the recommendations that address these themes.
Guardianship Laws and Durable Powers of Attorney: 2013 ADvancing States Survey results In January of 2013, ADvancing States sent a survey to its members and a list of long-term care contacts in the states seeking information about guardianship laws and practices and about how states assure appropriate use of durable powers of attorney. Review the results from the 20 states who responded.
Mental Health Programming for Seniors and People with Disabilities: 2013 Survey Results In January of 2013, ADvancing States sent a survey to its members and a list of long-term care contacts in the states asking how/where they are serving individuals with these complications and what services have been most effective. The survey is at the request of a ADvancing States member that works closely with their mental health program staff to serve individuals who are eligible for both mental health and aging/disability programming.
2012 State of Aging and Disabilities Survey: Another Year of Challenges Tempered by Opportunities State aging and disability agencies have operated within a tumultuous environment for the past several years. It has become increasingly more difficult to reconcile the needs of older adults and people with disabilities with the resources available to address those needs. Five themes are identified from the 2012 state of aging and disabilities surveys, which include the acceleration of Medicaid managed long term services and supports and continuing loss of historical knowledge around the nation.
Older Americans Act Citations related to Health Care Systems Coordination This document provides citations from the Older Americans Act that are supportive of, and outline opportunities for coordination efforts between State/Area Agencies on Aging and State/local health care systems.
ADULT PROTECTIVE SERVICES in 2012: INCREASINGLY VULNERABLE This report provides a snapshot of the APS program during a period of transition and change. Key elements driving the change include the economic environment, the continuation of states reorganization, and the federal budget impasse and decision of whether or not to fund the Elder Justice Act. ADvancing States and NAPSA will continue to collect data from the states and localities to provide updates on this evolution.
Nursing Home Reimbursement Changes This letter provides State Directors of State Units on Aging (SUAs) with information regarding the CMS decision to reduce Medicare skilled nursing facility (SNF) payments by 11.1% for FY 2012 (a reduction of $3.87 billion). The decision is supposed to create more efficiency in the Prospective Payment System (PPS). The memo describes the implications of such a decision coupled with frozen or reduced Medicaid payments to SNFs and Long Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs).
Older Americans Act Reauthorization Listening Sessions ADvancing States organized members of the Aging Network at listening forums in 3 cities for the reauthorization of the Older Americans Act. The sessions fostered public input, which ADvancing States used to form recommendations for improvement according to its policy principles. The letter outlining these is addressed to Assistant Secretary of Aging, Kathy Greenlee. Some recommendations are to advance the network with more funding and to modernize the language of the Act to reflect person-centered objectives.